Friday, September 28, 2012


English 8th: Students completed a review vocabulary test today over lessons 1-5.  They did awesome work!  *homework: read AR - many students are behind right now - get caught up!!! 

Geography 7th: We spent the majority of the class reviewing pg. 96 in preparation for a quiz Monday (Ch. 3 Section 3).  I collected pg. 96 and the current event.  *homework: review/study for the quiz Monday

English 7th: Students took a spelling test and turned in the week's spelling work.  I received a very nice report from the substitute, as well as see the students got all of their peer reviews & most of their word choice changes completed - yahoo!  They eanred free-time today because of it.  *homework: read AR - finish word choice changes if not completed in class

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Substitute Teacher (Mr. Potteiger) - Mrs. Nash at Havasu Leadership Development class

English 8th: Students will work on a "functional text" QAR/Unraavel passage, complete their vocabulary packet, and read AR.  *homework: vocabulary packet - review lessons 1-5 - study for TEST tomorrow!- read AR

Geography 7th: Guided Reading Activity 3 due - assigned: pg. 96 #1-6   *homework: pg. 96 if not completed in class - current event due Friday

English 7th: Peer editing the persuasive essays  *homework: all spelling (due Friday)


English 8th: Students worked in cooperative reading groups reading Anne Frank. *homework: vocabulary packet - review lessons 1-5 - read AR

Geography 7th: Students read pg. 92-96 (Ch.3 Section 3).  They completed a chart listing renewable and nonrenewable resources within their group, and worked on Guided Reading Activity 3 independently. *homework:Guided Reading if not completed in class- current event (due Friday)

English 7th: I collected the completed pesuasive rough draft.  We discussed peer editing to set up tomorrow's class.   *homework: spelling (due Friday)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


English 8th: Students worked in cooperative reading groups and started their class novel, Anne Frank.  *homework: vocabulary packet - review lessons 1-5 - read AR

Geography 7th: We continued Glogster presentations today, and previewed Ch. 3 Section 3.  Students were assigned vocabulary for this section, pg. 92.  We will begin reading tomorrow in groups.  *homework: current event due Friday - vocabulary pg. 92

English 7th: Students worked to complete their persuasive essay rough draft.  We discussed friendly & business letter format.  They need to decide what format their letter will be written in, and write it accordingly.  A finished rough draft in letter format will be due tomorrow. It should be color-coded similar to the essay example we did on Monday.  *homework: rough draft in letter format - spelling (due Friday)

Monday, September 24, 2012


English 8th: Students received a vocabulary review packet, which will be due Friday.  They are reviewing lessons 1-5, so the packet & reviewing work from the past 5 lessons is their job this week.  *homework: vocabulary packet due Friday - write-your-own QAR if it was not completed today (it was due today, and many did not get it completed)

Geography 7th: Students presented their Glogster projects to the class on the projector.  We will continue them tomorrow.  *homework: current events due Friday

English 7th: Students received their new spelling word list & worksheet today.  Their persuasive essay rough draft (5 paragraphs) is due tomorrow.  They have already completed a pre-write and have an example essay to help write the rough draft.  *homework: spelling (due Friday) and persuasive essay

Friday, September 21, 2012


English 8th: All vocabulary work was due.  Students took a vocabulary test, then worked in cooperative reading groups reading and completing a historical information packet to set the stage for Anne Frank.  They are not answering questions, but writing QAR questions about the passage.  They received their Anne Frank book today, which must be brought to school daily and kept in good condition.  *homework: finish QAR questions if not completed in class (due Monday)- read AR

Geography 7th: Students completed their Glogster projects, and we will start presenting them Monday.  Current events were due.  *homework: read AR

English 7th: All spelling work was due, and students took a spelling test.  We analyzed and discussed a completed persuasive essay, looking at and color-coding the specific structure used.  Students color-coded an example essay printed for them, color-coding the "reasons" and identifying them in both the introduction and conclusion.  *homework: color-coded essay if not completed in class (due Monday) - read AR

Thursday, September 20, 2012


*Reminder: Conferences will be held this week Tuesday through Thursday (Sept. 18-20). Tuesday through Friday will be early release (12:30 P.M.).

English 8th: Students worked on DOL/Journal in class. We briefly completed a pre-reading activity for Anne Frank . *homework: vocabulary  - all work due tomorrow - study for TEST tomorrow & read AR

Geography 7th: 5-minute map quiz - Students worked on their Glogster or current event during class. *homework: Current event and Glogster both due Friday

English 7th: Students worked on DOL/Journal in class. Their pre-writes are due completed today.  We will move on with our essay assignment tomorrow, as volleyball girls are gone to a game.   *homework: rough draft for persuasive essay (due Tuesday), spelling (due Friday) - study for spelling TEST & read AR

Extra Credit

This was on the road on my way home this week.  Add the name of this particular creature to the bottom of a homework assignment, and you will get a few points extra credit.  It pays to check my blog often.  :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


*Reminder: Conferences will be held this week Tuesday through Thursday (Sept. 18-20). Tuesday through Friday will be early release (12:30 P.M.).

English 8th: Students worked on DOL/Journal in class.  We briefly discussed the novel Anne Frank (our class novel this year) and predicted what it will be about.   *homework: vocabulary & read AR

Geography 7th: Students worked on their Glogster or current event during class. *homework: Current event and Glogster both due Friday

English 7th: Students worked on DOL/Journal in class. They completed their pre-writes in class, and started on a rough draft.  We talked about writing introductions and conclusions specifically.  Rough draft due Monday.  *homework: rough draft for persuasive essay (due Tuesday), spelling (due Friday) & read AR

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


*Reminder: Conferences will be held this week Tuesday through Thursday (Sept. 18-20). Tuesday through Friday will be early release (12:30 P.M.).

English 8th: Students worked on DOL/Journal in class.  We graded the vocabulary packet and discussed unfamiliar words.  Students checked out the family connect website to check their grades online.  Parents are given the username/password information during conference.   *homework: vocabulary & read AR

Geography 7th: Students worked on their Glogster or current event during class.  *homework: Current event and Glogster both due Friday

English 7th:   Students worked on DOL/Journal in class.  Their next essay assignment will be persuasive, and we discussed components of this type of writing.  Students were given a pre-write activity to start brainstorming ideas.  They should fill in at least the three body paragraph areas of the pre-write (reasons - paragraphs 2, 3, &4).    *homework: pre-write for persuasive essay, spelling & read AR


*Reminder: Conferences will be held this week Tuesday through Thursday (Sept. 18-20). Tuesday through Friday will be early release (12:30 P.M.).

English 8th: Students reviewed their grade reports for the class, received many graded papers, and were instructed on assignments that can be re-done or fixed.  They received their vocabulary program for the week (due Friday).  *homework: vocabulary & read AR

Geography 7th: Students reviewed their grade reports for the class, received many graded papers, and were instructed on assignments that can be re-done or fixed.  We started a Glogster project (online multi-media postering website), and students started their research in class.  Current event was given today - due Friday.  *homework: Current event and Glogster both due Friday

English 7th:  Students reviewed their grade reports for the class, received many graded papers, and were instructed on assignments that can be re-done or fixed.  They received their spelling worksheet and list of words for the week.  *homework: spelling & read AR

Friday, September 14, 2012


*Reminder: Conferences will be held next week Tuesday through Thursday (Sept. 18-20).  Tuesday through Friday will be early release (12:30 P.M.). 

English 8th: All vocabulary work was due today, as well as the semicolon/appositive worksheet.  Students took a vocabulary test & worked in their journals.  *homework: read AR

Geography 7th: Current events and pg.89 #1-5 were due.  Students took a quiz over Ch.3 Section 2 material (culture).  *homework: read AR

English 7th:  POS foldables were due, in addition to the run-on sentences worksheet. Students took a short quiz on identifying and fixing run-on sentences as well as identifying nouns and verbs.  *homework: read AR

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


English 8th: We discussed and practiced the usage of conjuntions after completing DOL/Journal.  Students were given a worksheet to practice both the use of conjuntions when putting together sentences, as well as writing complete sentences using several phrases (combining notes into sentences).  *homework: vocabulary - due Friday

Geography 7th: Students read Ch. 3 Section 2 within cooperative reading groups.  They were assigned the guided reading activity 2 as independent work.  *homework: GR Activity 2 if not completed in class (due tomorrow) & current event (due Friday). 

English 7th:  After completing DOL/Journal, students learned about the components of a complete sentence.  They practiced identifying complete sentences & fragments, as well as fixing the missing item within a fragment.  After working with me, each other, and then independently, they were assigned a practice worksheet to complete by tomorrow.  *homework: Complete Sentence/Fragment worksheet (due tomorrow) & POS foldable (due Friday)


English 8th:  We discussed 9/11, and students wrote about discrimination within their journals.  We corrected the vocabulary worksheet and discussed unfamiliar words.  *homework: vocabulary - due Friday

Geography 7th: Students were introduced to Chapter 3, Section 2 - Culture.  We discussed elements of culture, and created a chart within the chapter foldable.  Students were assigned the chapter vocabulary prior to reading.  We also went over instructions for the latitude/longitude worksheet, which will be due tomorrow.  *homework: Ch.3, Section 2 vocabulary & lat./long. worksheet if not completed in class

English 7th:  Students were given instructions for completing their POS (Parts of Speech) foldable, which is due Friday.  They watched a Powerpoint presentation on parts of speech, and were given some time to work on their foldable projects.  *homework: POS foldable due Friday & read AR

Monday, September 10, 2012


English 8th: Students put together their class portfolios and entered their first round of assessments on their portfolio chart.  They received their vocabulary packet with words, which is due tomorrow for correcting.  *homework: vocabulary packet - read AR


Geography 7th: We corrected pg. 76 #1-6 in class, and then students took a quiz over Ch.3 Section 1.  They were given a worksheet practicing latitude and longitude skills after the quiz.  This worksheet will be due tomorrow at the end of class.  Some students may need additional directions for completing the work.  *homework: as much of the lat. & long. worksheet they can complete independently - current event due Friday

English 7th:  Students put together their class portfolios and entered their first round of assessments on their portfolio chart.  NO SPELLING this week.  Instead, we will be working on a POS (parts of speech) foldable activity - this will be due finished Friday just like spelling.  Students need to define: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs - then give 5 examples of each.  They will receive further instruction tomorrow.  *homework: POS definitions & examples on foldable activity

Friday, September 7, 2012


English 8th: Students took a DOL (Daily Oral Language) quiz, then went to the all-school pep assembly to cheer for football, volleyball, and color guard.  *homework: read AR (don't get behind!!)

Geography 7th: Current events were due.  Students were assigned the rest of pg. 76 #2-6 and had time to work on it in class.  *homework: pg. 76 if not completed in class - #1-6 due by Monday

English 7th:  Students took a DOL (Daily Oral Language) quiz, then corrected the independent QAR/Unraavel paper due today.  *homework: read AR

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Extra Credit - Can you identify this?

The last creature I posted was a Vinegaroon!  :-)  Congratulations to those who knew what it was.  Here's a picture of something I used to raise and keep in my classroom.  What is its entire name? More extra credit if you can tell me if it's a boy or girl & how you know.  Write your answer on a homework/classwork assignment. 


English 8th: Students took the A+ math pre-test this morning, which took the majority of our class.  They wrote in their journal if finished early.  *homework: read AR! 

Geography 7th: 5 - minute map quiz!  We corrected Guided Reading Activity 1 together.  Students were assigned the section review - pg. 76 #1 (picture vocabulary).  *homework: pg. 76 if not completed in class

English 7th:  We corrected the QAR/Unraavel (partners) after completing DOL & journal.  Students were given a QAR/Unraavel passage to complete independently today.  *homework: QAR/Unraavel - due tomorrow if not completed in class

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


English 8th:  We have started pre-testing for our newest online program called A+.  If you would like to learn more, just click this link: A+ Learning Solutions 
Students spent the majority of the class completing the English pre-test, and will spend tomorrow working on the math pre-test.  When finished, we corrected the previous day's QAR/Unraavel, as well as journaling.  *homework: read AR


Geography 7th: Students started Chapter 3, Section 1.  They read pg's 72-76 within cooperative reading groups, and worked on a graphic organizer together.  Independently, they had to re-read the information and complete the Guided Reading Activity 1.  *homework: GR Activity 1 if not completed in class

 English 7th:  After the entire class had a short chance to try out the new MimioPad device for correcting DOL, we worked on a new QAR/Unraavel activity in pairs.  *homework: QAR/Unraavel passage if not completed in class - read AR

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


English 8th: Students used the new mimioTeach technology to correct DOL with editor's marks on the board.  They identified and used homographs within a journal entry.  A new QAR/Unraavel reading passage was given out to complete independently (last week students worked with partners).  *homework: no vocabulary this week - QAR/Unraavel due tomorrow

Geography 7th: Students were given the opportunity to study with partners briefly before their Ch. 1 test.  *homework: current event due Friday


 English 7th:  Students used the new mimioTeach technology to correct DOL with editor's marks on the board.  They identified and used homographs within a journal entry.  We corrected the QAR/Unraavel turned in Friday, and students were give another reading passage to work on with a partner.  *homework: QAR/Unraavel reading passage & questions if not completed in class (due tomorrow) - no spelling this week