Friday, January 31, 2014


English 8:   All vocabulary work was due today.  Students took Lesson 2 vocab. TEST.  We discussed the upcoming essay and pre-write (graphic organizer) assignment.  They were given an opportunity to work on it in class (due Monday).  Homework:  essay pre-write (due Monday) - read AR

Geography 7:  5-minute map quiz.  Students were given class time to finish current events before I collected them.  I generally collect at the beginning of class, but gave them extra time as it was the first current event assignment.    Homework:  read AR

English 7:  All spelling work was due today.  Students took Lesson 2 spelling TEST.  Students learned to identify a complete sentence vs. fragment.   Homework:   read AR

Thursday, January 30, 2014


English 8:   Students worked on DOL/Journal and vocabulary.  We discussed a pre-write activity in preparation for an essay.  This was not homework; we will work on them tomorrow.    Homework:  vocabulary (all due Friday)  - study for vocab. TEST- read AR

Geography 7:  Students completed pg. 22-33 with Skills Practice questions.  Homework:  current event due tomorrow - read AR

English 7:  Students worked on DOL/Journal and spelling.  We discussed the upcoming class journal project.     Homework:  spelling (all due Friday) - study for spelling TEST -  read AR

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


English 8:   After DOL & Journals, students worked a bit on vocabulary.  We completed and signed the social contract today (phew).    Homework:  vocabulary (all due Friday)  - read AR

Geography 7:  Students worked in groups to read pg. 22-33 and complete the Skills Practice questions.  We completed 7 of the 14 questions today and will continue them tomorrow.  If 7 were not completed, then it is to be finished as homework.  Homework:  Skills Practice Questions pg. 22-33 (complete 7 today) - current event due Friday - read AR

English 7: After DOL & Journals, students worked a bit on spelling.  We completed and signed the social contract today (phew).    Homework:  spelling (all due Friday) -  read AR

Unusual! Saw this on my way home.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


English 8:   After writing in their journals, we corrected the vocabulary packet and discussed and clarified word meanings.  Students were given additional instruction on the "categories" assignment within the vocab. program (which is this evening's work). We continued work on the social contract.   Homework:  vocabulary (all due Friday)  - read AR

Geography 7:  Students completed a quiz on Ch. 1 Section 1, and then previewed the Geography Skills Handbook (which we will work on tomorrow).  Homework:  current event due Friday - read AR

English 7:  After writing in their journals and spelling work, we worked more on the social contract.    Homework:  spelling (all due Friday) -  read AR


Monday, January 27, 2014


English 8:   Students worked on DOL and Journal.  We worked a bit more on the social contract and will finish it tomorrow.  Students should complete the packet which uses the 20 words in context.  The packet is due tomorrow for grading.  Homework:  vocabulary packet   - read AR

Geography 7:   Students filled out username/password sheets for all of the websites used in classes this semester.  They received two copies each (one for backpack & home for home).  Students checked out online geography textbooks and spent the remainder of class exploring this text.  Homework:  current event due Friday - read AR

English 7:  Students worked on DOL and Journal.  We worked a bit more on the social contract and will finish it tomorrow (if not completed in class it is homework).  Students were given this week's spelling worksheet with word list, and we discussed the words & meaning.  We also discussed the spelling program in detail again.    Homework:  spelling worksheet  - social contract if not completed in class -  read AR

Friday, January 24, 2014


English 8:   Students turned in all vocabulary work and took the vocab. TEST for Lesson 1.     Homework:   read AR

Geography 7:   Students took a 5-minute map quiz.  The remainder of class was spent discussing current event assignments, which will be given every Monday and due on Friday.  Each student was given a copy, but this will be due next Friday.  Homework:  read AR

English 7:  Students turned in all spelling work and took a spelling TEST for Lesson 1.      Homework:   read AR

Thursday, January 23, 2014


English 8:   We corrected the vocabulary packet and discussed unfamiliar words.  Students were given some time to work on vocabulary work (all due tomorrow - packet, definitions, and sentences). The remainder of class was spent working on a social contract for the classroom. We'll continue working on that tomorrow after the vocabulary TEST.   Homework:  vocabulary homework (all due tomorrow) - study for the Vocab. TEST - read AR

Geography 7:   Students corrected and discussed GR 1-1, and were given time to work on pg. 17 in class (it will be due tomorrow).    Homework:  pg. 17 #1-6 (#7 is worth extra credit) - read AR

English 7:  Students were given some time to work on their spelling work in class.  We discussed options for working with meaning (definitions, crossword, flashcards).  The remainder of class was spent working on a social contract for the classroom. We'll continue working on that tomorrow after the spelling TEST.     Homework:  all spelling work due tomorrow - study for spelling TEST -  read AR

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1/22/14 - Substitute (Mrs. Nash in Phoenix for EXPORE workshop)

English 8:   Students worked on DOL & Journal, and then worked on vocabulary definitions  and/or sentences (all vocabulary homework is due Friday).    Homework:  vocabulary homework - read AR

Geography 7:   Students were assigned pg. 17 #1-6.  This consists of vocabulary work as well as answering textbook questions in complete sentences (restating the question).  This is due tomorrow if it is not completed in class.  Homework:  pg. 17 #1-6- read AR

English 7:  Students worked on DOL & Journal, and then worked on spelling homework (5 X each and/or definitions).  All spelling homework is due Friday.    Homework:  spelling homework -  read AR


English 8:   Students worked on DOL and Journal.  They were given copies of the Vocabulary Program (also available on my blog and in the digital locker of and we discussed the daily vocabulary homework.  Today students should complete the packet which uses the 20 words in context.   Homework:  vocabulary packet  (all vocab. work due Friday) - read AR

Geography 7:   Students read Ch. 1 Section 1 by listening to the audio version of the online textbook.  They were given a worksheet called Guided Reading 1-1 (which is independent work), and they created a chart on the back (which was group work).    Homework:  Guided Reading 1-1 if not completed in class (due tomorrow) - read AR

English 7:  Students worked on DOL and Journal.   They were given copies of the spelling program (also available on my blog and in the digital locker of and we discussed the daily spelling homework. Today's work is the worksheet.  Homework:  spelling worksheet (all spelling work due Friday) -  read AR

Thursday, January 16, 2014


English 8:   Students completed the MAZE comprehension and WPM (words per minute) assessments. They continued working on a Time Capsule assignment (letter or collage) - due tomorrow.    Homework:  Time Capsule if not yet completed  - read AR

Geography 7:   Students explored their textbooks by working within groups on a Scavenger Hunt.  Most students completed this in class; however, a handful took it home to complete a few questions.   Homework:  Scavenger Hunt if not completed in class - read AR

English 7:  Students completed the MAZE comprehension and WPM (words per minute) assessments.  They were given the written portion of their pretest as well, which was corrected together in class.   Homework:   read AR

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


English 8:   Students continued working on their pre-test today.  They were also given their journals and wrote the first entry.  We will correct the pre-test and complete a few more short assessments tomorrow.  Homework:  Read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week) 

Geography 7:   Students completed a 5-minute map quiz, which is also part of the geography pre-test.  Geography textbooks were checked out to each student, and they were assigned World Map Activity.  This is due tomorrow.  Homework:  World Map Activity if not completed in class - read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week) 

English 7: Students worked hard to complete the English Pre-test today.  We will continue with the written portion and various other assessments tomorrow.     Homework:   read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


English 8:   Students worked on their English pre-test today.  We will complete and grade it tomorrow.  Students were also given a Reading Interest Survey to complete after the test.  If not done in class, it is homework (due tomorrow).   Homework:  Reading Interest Survey - Read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week) 

Geography 7:   Students took the Geography pretest today.  When finished they worked on an assignment called "If I Could Go Anywhere In the World..."  This is homework if not completed in class (due tomorrow). Homework:  If I Could Go Anywhere in the World - read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week) 

English 7: Students completed the STAR test today and started work in their class journals.  The English Contract and Reading Survey were due today.   Homework:   read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week)

Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13/14 Welcome to 2nd Semester!

English 8:    Students wrote an English Contract, the first assessment of their written abilities, as well as received a brochure & email form to be filled out and signed by a parent/guardian.  The English pre-test will be tomorrow.   Homework:   English Contract signed - yellow email sheet filled out & signed - read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week) 

Geography 7:   Students were introduced to the classroom rules and procedures.  They also received a brochure & email form to be filled out and signed by a parent/guardian.  Homework:  yellow email sheet filled out & signed - read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week) 

English 7: Students wrote an English Contract, the first assessment of their written abilities. In addition, they filled out a Reading Interest Survey sheet toward the end of class.  If this is not completed, it is homework.  Homework:  English Contract signed - Reading Survey completed (due tomorrow) -   read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned by next week)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


English 8:    Students started their English final and will continue it tomorrow.  We ran out of time with the assembly this morning.    Homework:   read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned next week) 

Geography 7: Students took their geography final.   Homework:  read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned next week) 

English 7: Students took their English final.  Monster Exchange of instructions will be tomorrow.  If final instructions are not yet completed, then they are homework.  Homework:  final Monster Instructions  -   read AR (points for the new semester will be assigned next week)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1/7/14 Tomorrow is the last day to take an AR quiz for Semester 1

English 8:    Students completed the Anne Frank final today.  The English final (post test) will be tomorrow.  Please make sure students are well-rested, well-fed, and present.  Homework:   read AR 

Geography 7: Students played geography review BINGO to help study for the final post test tomorrow.  Students should study their review sheet, vocabulary terms from the textbook, and a world map.   Homework:  study for FINAL TEST  read AR 

English 7: Students completed STAR testing and started work on a poetry elements packet.  The packet should be completed for review tomorrow before our final post test.  Homework:  final Monster Instructions  -   read AR

Monday, January 6, 2014

1/6/14 Happy New Year!

English 8:    Students took the STAR test as well as worked on a final Anne Frank Review sheet.  This is due tomorrow before the Anne Frank Final TEST.  Homework:  study for Anne Frank Final - read AR 

Geography 7: Students explored the website for recommendations for a class donation.  They were given a scavenger hunt review sheet in preparation for the final geography post-test.  The scavenger hunt sheet is due tomorrow.   Homework:  Scavenger Hunt Review -  read AR 

English 7: Students completed the MAZE reading comprehension assessment as well as started  the final WPM (words per minute).  The remainder of the class was spent peer editing Monster instructions.  The final instructions are due Thursday.   Homework:  final Monster Instructions  -   read AR