Wednesday, October 23, 2013


English 8:   
We discussed and practiced writing metaphors.  Students read Anne Frank within cooperative reading groups. Students were given an independent summary/predict sheet to complete after reading today - this is due tomorrow.  Homework:  Independent summary/predict sheet if not completed in class  - vocabulary due Friday- Quiz on Anne Frank (pg. 1-24) - read AR 

Geography 7: Students were given a comprehensive study guide for the Ch. 3 TEST.  Each group completed several questions, and then taught them to the rest of the class.  Each student left class with a completed study guide and vocabulary practice sheet.  These will be collected before the test tomorrow as a credit/participation grade. Homework:   STUDY FOR CH. 3 TEST - current event due Friday - read AR 

English 7:  We discussed and practiced writing metaphors.  Students read Gathering Blue within cooperative reading groups.  We will have a short quiz on figurative language tomorrow and continue reading our class novel.   Homework:  spelling all due Friday-  read AR

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