Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:   Students took the MAZE comprehension assessment, and then worked on pg. 33 #5-6 (the chart & text evidence question).  These were completed in class.    Homework:  read AR

Block 3 - 8B:  Students took the MAZE comprehension assessment, and then worked on both the annotations of Raymond's Run as well as the story elements chart from pg. 33.  This is due tomorrow.   Homework:  annotations & pg. 33 chart - read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  Students took the MAZE comprehension assessment, and then finished peer editing their essay.  After editing, students worked on 5 word choice changes (or additions) to their rough drafts. Homework: 5 word-choice changes - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:  Students took the MAZE comprehension assessment, and then finished peer editing their essay.  After editing, students worked on 5 word choice changes (or additions) to their rough drafts. Homework: 5 word-choice changes - Read AR

Friday, September 26, 2014

9/26/14 Homecoming Football Game (Island Ball Park) 7:00PM Tonight

Block 1 - 8A:   Students continued working with the online text book answering questions within the Close Reading tool (9 questions total).  If not finished, this is homework.    Homework: 9 questions within Close Reading Tool - read AR

Block 3 - 8B:  No class today due to Pep Assembly in the gym.  Homework:  *if not done - Read Raymond's Run & create vocabulary notes - read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  Students were given class time to work on their essay rough draft.  If not completed in class, it is homework (and late).   Homework: finish rough draft - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:  Students were given class time to work on their essay rough draft.  If not completed in class, it is homework (and late).   Homework: finish rough draft - Read AR

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:   Students identified and used common, proper, and possessive nouns in writing.  We continued reading Raymond's Run on the online textbook.  Students answered questions using the online "active notebook" within the program.  This is new, so we have been slowly integrating it. We'll continue tomorrow.   Homework: - read AR

Block 3 - 8B:  Students identified and used common, proper, and possessive nouns in writing.  We started reading Raymond's Run on the online textbook.  Students will complete a first reading of the story "Raymond's Run" and write notes to identify vocabulary connotation as used within the context of the story (can be done online or with sticky notes & hard copy book).     Homework:  Read Raymond's Run & create vocabulary notes - read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL/Journal, we discussed Response to Literature essay structure, and students completed the intro & conclusion portions of the pre-write.  The rough draft will be due after class on Friday.  Even though class time will be given tomorrow, students should start the rough draft at home.    Homework: finish pre-write & start rough draft - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:  After DOL/Journal, we discussed Response to Literature essay structure, and students completed the intro & conclusion portions of the pre-write.  The rough draft will be due after class on Friday.  Even though class time will be given tomorrow, students should start the rough draft at home.    Homework: finish pre-write & start rough draft - Read AR

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:   Students finished presenting story element projects. We explored the online version of the literature textbook, and started reading "Raymond's Run."  Students should complete a 'first read' on this story and create notes for each of the vocabulary words.   Homework:  Read 1 on Raymond's Run & notes for vocab. - read AR

Block 3 - 8B:  Students presented their educational cartoon videos, Glogster, or Powerpoint presentations detailing story element terms.  For the remaining part of class, we briefly explored the online version of the literature textbook.   Homework:  read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL/Journal, students started a prewrite activity for a Response to Literature essay.    Homework:  prewrite activity (middle subtopic areas completed - due tomorrow) - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After DOL/Journal, students started a prewrite activity for a Response to Literature essay.    Homework:  prewrite activity (middle subtopic areas completed - due tomorrow) - Read AR

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9/23/14 Open House Tonight - 5-8PM

Block 1 - 8A:   Students presented educational cartoon videos, Glogster, or Powerpoints presentations on  detailing story element terms.  Homework:  read AR

Block 3 - 8B:  Students worked in groups to create educational cartoon videos on www.powtoon.com, detailing story element terms.  They were also given the option of a Glogster or Powerpoint presentation.   Homework:  read AR - Story Elements project due tomorrow for presentation
Block 4 - 7B:  After Journal, students worked on textbook pg. 17 and answered questions #4-7 with a partner checking for appropriate text evidence.  Some students needed to revise their answers, so this is due tomorrow.  Homework:  pg. 17 #4-7 if not completed in class  - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After Journal, students worked on textbook pg. 17 and answered questions #4-7 with a partner checking for appropriate text evidence.  This was collected at the end of class.    Homework:   Read AR

Monday, September 22, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:   Students worked in groups to finish educational cartoon videos on www.powtoon.com, detailing story element terms.  They were also given the option of a Glogster or Powerpoint presentation.   Homework:  read AR - Story Elements project due for presentation tomorrow
Block 3 - 8B:  Students worked in groups to create educational cartoon videos on www.powtoon.com, detailing story element terms.  They were also given the option of a Glogster or Powerpoint presentation.   Homework:  read AR - Story Elements project tomorrow
Block 4 - 7B:  After Journal, students worked on textbook pg. 17 and answered questions #4-7 with a partner (restating the question, explaining their answer, and citing text evidence).  This is due tomorrow.    Homework:  pg. 17 #4-7 if not completed in class (due Tues.) - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After Journal, students worked on textbook pg. 17 and answered questions #4-7 with a partner (restating the question, explaining their answer, and citing text evidence).  This is due tomorrow.    Homework:  pg. 17 #4-7 if not completed in class (due Tues.) - Read AR

Friday, September 19, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:   Students worked in groups to create educational cartoon videos on www.powtoon.com, detailing story element terms.  They were also given the option of a Glogster or Powerpoint presentation.   Homework:  read AR - work on powtoon.com assignment
Block 3 - 8B:  After correcting the Benchmark 1 test for Abuelo, we discussed a 'Story Elements' project.  Students will work in groups to describe story elements using Glogster, Powerpoint, or Powtoon.com.    Homework: Read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  After Journal, students worked on textbook pg. 17 and answered #1b (restating the question, explaining their answer, and citing text evidence).  This was collected at the end of class.     Homework:  Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After Journal, students checked pg. 17 #1b for text evidence before turning in.  They accessed the online textbook website (pearsonrealize.com) and explored the program for the remainder of class.     Homework: Read AR

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL/Journal, students entered assessment information within their class portfolios.  Assigned was pg. 16-19 story elements terms.  Students worked in groups to create educational cartoon videos on www.powtoon.com, detailing story element terms.     Homework:  read AR - work on powtoon.com assignment
Block 3 - 8B:  After DOL/Journal, students entered assessment information within their class portfolios.  Assigned was benchmark test 1 (Abuelo)- due tomorrow.  Homework: Read AR - Abuelo Benchmark Test
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL/Journal, students entered assessment information within their class portfolios.  The story elements handout was due today.    Homework:  Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After DOL/Journal, students entered assessment information within their class portfolios.  The story elements handout was due today. Assigned was pg. 17 #1b (answer question, explain the answer, and cite text evidence).  This is due tomorrow.   Homework: pg. 17 #1b - Read AR

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL/Journal, students were given some time to put finishing touches on the "I Am" shape poem. We went over the Abuelo benchmark test and discussed standards involved.     Homework:  read AR - check for missing work
Block 3 - 8B:   After DOL/Journal, students were given some time to put finishing touches on the "I Am" shape poem. Students turned in the pg. 13 extended response question with text evidence.     Homework: Read AR - check for missing work
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL/Journal, students were given some time to put finishing touches on the "I Am" shape poem.  We discussed the story elements handout, and completed it partially in class.  This is homework if not finished.   Homework: story elements handout - Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After DOL/Journal, students were given some time to put finishing touches on the "I Am" shape poem.  We discussed the story elements handout, and completed it partially in class.  This is homework if not finished.   Homework: story elements handout - Read AR

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


OPEN HOUSE & BOOK FAIR - Thursday, September 18 5-8 PM

All Classes:  After journals, students identified synonyms with similar connotations (vs. denotation) by changing words within the "I Am" poem to be more descriptive.  The "I Am" shape poem is due tomorrow.  Homework: I Am Shape poem due tomorrow  - read AR
English 8B: Homework: I Am Shape poem and pg. 13 extended response (Big Question) due tomorrow

Monday, September 15, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL and an "I Am" poetry handout, students worked on a Benchmark Test for An Hour with Abuelo.     Homework: I Am poem - finish Benchmark test - read AR
Block 3 - 8B:    After DOL and an "I Am" poetry handout, students worked in small groups to identify character conflicts and resolutions within An Hour with Abuelo.  Pg. 13 (the Big Question) was assigned - an extended response answer (at least 2 paragraphs) citing text evidence.   Homework: I Am poem, Abuelo extended response paragraphs (pg. 13) due Wed.,  Read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL and an "I Am" poetry handout, students listened to a 3rd Read of Lemon Brown, and summarized the story in 2-4 sentences.     Homework: poem handout, summary, Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   After DOL and an "I Am" poetry handout, students listened to a 3rd Read of Lemon Brown, and summarized the story in 2-4 sentences.     Homework: poem handout, summary, Read AR

Friday, September 12, 2014

9/12/14 - next week AR scores will be entered into the grade book!

Block 1 - 8A:  Students took a DOL quiz today and turned in both vocabulary work and the extended response question from pg. 13.     Homework: read AR
Block 3 - 8B:    Students took a DOL quiz today and turned in vocabulary work.   Homework: Read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  Students took a DOL quiz today and turned in vocabulary work.   Homework: Read AR
Block 5 - 7A:   Students took a DOL quiz today and turned in vocabulary work.   Homework: Read AR

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL/Journal, students worked in pairs to find character conflicts & resolutions within An Hour with Abuelo.  They were assigned an extended response question (short essay) from pg. 13 (the Big Question).  Students must write their answer citing text evidence and decide if all conflicts were resolved.     Homework: Pg. 13 extended response question (the Big Question) - Read AR - Vocab. workbook g. 1-3 due tomorrow
Block 3 - 8B:    After DOL/Journal, students were given further demonstration and practice with citing text evidence.  The pg. 13 #5-7 was due at the end of class, and many did not finish because they did not do their homework last night.  These are due late tomorrow if not handed in today - I will not accept them after tomorrow.    Homework: LATE  pg.13 #5 & 7 - Vocab. pg. 1-3 due Friday - Read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL/Journal, students continued working on Read 2 of the Lemon brown story, annotating the complete story fully.  This is due tomorrow.  Homework: Close Read  2 annotations on Lemon Brown - read AR - Vocab. work due Friday (redo any assignments necessary)
Block 5 - 7A:   After DOL/Journal, students continued working on Read 2 of the Lemon brown story, annotating the complete story fully.  This is due tomorrow.  Homework: Close Read  2 annotations on Lemon Brown - read AR - Vocab. work due Friday (redo any assignments necessary)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:  After fully discussing lockdown procedures, students worked in small groups to identify meaningful text evidence.  Pg. 13 #5-7 was due checked & completed at the end of class.    Homework: Read AR - Vocab. pg.1-3 due Friday
Block 3 - 8B:    After fully discussing lockdown procedures, students were assigned pg. 13 "Craft & Structure" #5 & 7.  Homework: pg.13 #5 & 7 - Vocab. pg. 1-3 due Friday - Read AR
Block 4 - 7B:  After fully discussing lockdown procedures, students were given a new reading passage "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" and were assigned Close Reading activities (Read 1 - number paragraphs, chunk, and just read), and Read 2 - annotations!!  Homework: Close Read 1 & 2 on Lemon Brown - read AR - Vocab. work due Friday (redo any assignments necessary)
Block 5 - 7A:  After fully discussing lockdown procedures, students were given a new reading passage "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" and were assigned Close Reading activities (Read 1 - number paragraphs, chunk, and just read), and Read 2 - annotations!!  Homework: Close Read 1 & 2 on Lemon Brown - read AR - Vocab. work due Friday (redo any assignments necessary)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL/Journal, students were assigned the "craft and structure" portion of pg.13 (from An Hour with Abuelo).   Homework: Craft & Structure - pg. 13 #5-7 - Vocab. pg.1-3 due Friday
Block 3 - 8B:    After DOL/Journal, students were assigned the "key ideas and details" portion of pg.13 (from An Hour with Abuelo).    Homework: Key ideas & details - pg.13 #1-4 - Vocab. pg. 1-3 due Friday
Block 4 - 7B:  After DOL/Journal, students were given vocabulary work pg. 1-2 (due Friday)Homework: read AR - Vocab. work due Friday (redo any assignments necessary)
Block 5 - 7A:  After DOL/Journal, students were given vocabulary work pg. 1-2 (due Friday)Homework: read AR - Vocab. work due Friday (redo any assignments necessary)

Friday, September 5, 2014


Students were given forms for the REMIND program.  This allows you to receive communications from the teacher via email, text, or smart phone ap.  Please ask your child about signing up for this program.

Block 1 - 8A:  Students were given the class period to complete  pg. 13,  Key Ideas and Details (4 questions) Homework: read AR - sign up for the REMIND program
Block 3 - 8B:    Students were given the class period to complete  pg. 13,  Key Ideas and Details (the first 2 questions) Homework: read AR - sign up for the REMIND program
Block 4 - 7B:  Students were given the class period to complete  pg. 4,  one question completed (with text evidence) for each of the three reading sessions. Homework: read AR - sign up for the REMIND program
Block 5 - 7A:  Students were given the class period to complete  pg. 4,  one question completed (with text evidence) for each of the three reading sessions. Homework: read AR - sign up for the REMIND program

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Students were given forms for the REMIND program.  This allows you to receive communications from the teacher via email, text, or smart phone ap.  Please ask your child about signing up for this program.

Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL & Journal, we discussed and looked at examples of text evidence after Close Reading.  Students were given a reading passage with instructions to read two times, annotating the passage.     Homework:  pg. 13, answer Key Ideas and Details (4 questions)
Block 3 - 8B: After DOL & Journal, we discussed and looked at examples of text evidence after Close Reading.  Students were given a reading passage with instructions to number paragraphs and chunk the text.    Homework:  Read the passage through one time after numbering & chunking - finish pg. 6 Close Read Questions from yesterday
Block 4 - 7B: After DOL & Journal, we practiced writing text evidence from a Close Reading passage.  Assigned was pg. 4 - craft & structure - answer one question and cite text evidence
Block 5 - 7A: After DOL & Journal, we practiced writing text evidence from a Close Reading passage.  Assigned was pg. 4 - key ideas and details - answer all 3 bullet point questions, citing text evidence

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Students were given forms for the REMIND program.  This allows you to receive communications from the teacher via email, text, or smart phone ap.  Please ask your child about signing up for this program.

Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 4-6 - answer three close reading questions (complete sentences restating the question).
Block 3 - 8B: After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 4-6 - answer three close reading questions (complete sentences restating the question).
Block 4 - 7B: After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 3, definitions and a short paragraph using 4 of the vocabulary words
Block 5 - 7A: After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 3, definitions and a short paragraph using 4 of the vocabulary words

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9/2/14 Welcome to September!

Block 1 - 8A:  After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 3, vocabulary sentences, definitions, and a short paragraph (using 4 vocab. words). 
Block 3 - 8B: After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 3, vocabulary sentences, definitions, and a short paragraph (using 4 vocab. words). 
Block 4 - 7B: After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 3, vocabulary sentences
Block 5 - 7A: After DOL & Journal, students started Unit 1 within the textbook.  Assigned was pg. 3, vocabulary sentences

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