Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Materials Needed:

Some of you may have already started your school shopping.  Here are some of the items needed for school this year. 

Student Materials for English/Geography:
  • pocket folder designated for the specific class  - if in both English and geography, you will need two
  • colored correcting pen or pencil (we use these EVERY day - please make sure you have several) - NOT black please
  • Pencils (I do not allow students to write in pen on classwork or homework - only when correcting)
  • highlighter
  • dry erase marker or crayon
  • USB flash drive (useful, but not required)
  • composition books for English - students will be given these, but replacements are always welcome
Materials needed for the classroom (donations of these items are welcome all year long):
  • copy paper!!  Very much needed! (white)
  • lined paper colored copy paper (any color)
  • hand sanitizer
  • anti-bacterial cleaning wipes
  • kleenex