Monday, March 30, 2015


 English 8 A:  After DOL/Journal, students were given the new Anne Frank vocabulary list for this week's work.  The list is also available to print from the blue documents folder in my blog.  Assigned is Section 1 word list (Monday - synonyms & antonyms).  *homework:  vocabulary synonyms & antonyms - read AR
English 8 B:  After DOL/Journal, students were given the new Anne Frank vocabulary list for this week's work.  The list is also available to print from the blue documents folder in my blog.  Assigned is Section 1 word list (Monday - synonyms & antonyms). Students started to create a Multi-Flow Map within groups relating causes of the Holocaust according to the Afterward in the Anne Frank novel (pg. 269-280).  Because most students did not choose to read this over the weekend, continuing with this activity was difficult.  It is homework this evening along with listing 3 causes of the Holocaust to work with in groups tomorrow.  If this is not completed, the individuals will need to do this activity on his or her own rather than with the support of the group. *homework:  READ ANNE FRANK PG. 269-280 (LIST 3 CAUSES OF THE HOLOCAUST)  - vocabulary synonyms & antonyms - read AR
All English 7: After DOL/Journal, students were given the new Giver or Gathering Blue spelling list for this week's work.  The assignment today is to complete synonyms and antonyms for these words.  Students worked briefly within reading groups and we will continue this tomorrow.  *homework: spelling synonyms & antonyms (worksheet) - read AR

Friday, March 27, 2015


English 8A:  All vocabulary homework was due and collected.  Students took the Vocabulary Lesson 7 TEST.  For the remainder of class, students worked in cooperative reading groups to create a Multi-Flow Thinking Map about the causes of the Holocaust as described in the afterward of Anne Frank.   *homework:   read AR
English 8B: All vocabulary homework was due and collected.  Students took the Vocabulary Lesson 7 TEST.  For the remainder of class, students worked in cooperative reading groups to start reading the afterward (pg.269-280) in the Anne Frank novel.  This is homework and must be completed by Monday to work on a group activity.    *homework:  read pg. 269-280 Anne Frank -  read AR
All English 7: All spelling homework was due and collected.  Students took the spelling test for lesson 9.  For the remainder of class, students worked in cooperative reading groups to read The Giver or Gathering Blue and jointly write a summary and prediction.    *Homework:  - read AR

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/26/15 Open House & Book Fair Tonight - 5-8PM

English 8A:  We discussed Anne Frank and the Holocaust in preparation for our class novel.  Students read journal entries describing prior knowledge of these events.  Assigned was pg. 269-280 (the Afterward) in the Anne Frank novel.   *homework:  Read pg.269-280 in Anne Frank - vocabulary - all due tomorrow - read AR
English 8B: We discussed Anne Frank and the Holocaust in preparation for our class novel.  Students read journal entries describing prior knowledge of these events.  Assigned today was a culminating QAR activity associated with the reading passage "Rachel Carson."  Students must write their own QAR questions about the passage.  This is due tomorrow.  *homework:  Write QAR questions & answers -  vocabulary - all due tomorrow - read AR
All English 7: After a DOL QUIZ, students were introduced to reading group process, which will be used when we start our class novels.  Students read journal entries predicting story lines within the novel they have been assigned.   *Homework:  spelling homework all due tomorrow - read AR

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


All English 8:  AIMS SCIENCE TESTING through 3rd block.  *homework:  vocabulary - all due Friday - read AR
All English 7: After DOL/Journal, students were given time to finish the "write your own QAR" before handing in.  We corrected and discussed the reading passage Navajo Code Talkers.   *Homework:  spelling (definitions) - read AR

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


All English 8:  After DOL/Journal, we corrected the vocabulary packet and discussed unfamiliar words.  In addition, we corrected the "Rachel Carson" passage, and then students were assigned the "write their own QAR" which is homework.  *homework:  vocabulary (categories as a Tree Map) and write your own QAR. 
All English 7: Students worked in cooperative groups to categorize QAR questions in the form of a Tree Map (a type of thinking map).  When this was finished, they worked on writing their own QAR for the "Superflash" passage.  The QAR questions are due tomorrow. *Homework:  spelling (5X each- QAR questions

Monday, March 23, 2015

Videos for Book Fair Books - link below (Book Fair - March 24-26)


All English 8:  After DOL/Journal, students were given vocabulary packet (lesson 7).  Assigned was a reading passage ("Rachel Carson") to CLOSE Read (annotate) and answer questions.  Students must also identify QAR type for each question.  We will go further and write QAR questions tomorrow.  *homework:  Vocabulary packet & CLOSE Read packet - due tomorrow
All English 7:After DOL/Journal, students were given spelling worksheet (lesson 9).  Assigned was a reading passage ("Superflash") to CLOSE Read (annotate) and summarize.  We will go further and write QAR questions tomorrow.  *homework: spelling worksheet & CLOSE Read/summary - due tomorrow

Thursday, March 12, 2015

3/12/15 Early Release - P/T Conferences

All English 8:  Students completed the QAR Tree Map.  They were given time to work on vocabulary, journal, and AR.  All vocabulary work is due tomorrow for the test.  *Homework: Vocabulary - read AR
All English 7:  Students worked in pairs to complete the CLOSE Reading (El Dorado) passage & identify QAR questions.  We corrected this in class, and then students were given the independent practice passage (Navajo Code Talkers).  This will be due at the end of class tomorrow.  *homework:  spelling all due tomorrow - study for test - read AR

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

3/11/15 Conferences tomorrow - if yours has not been scheduled, please call the office

All English 8:  We continued with WPM assessments.  After DOL/Journal, students worked in groups to categorize QAR questions.  They started to create a Tree Thinking Map to format their work.  We will continue this tomorrow.  *homework: vocabulary - read AR
All English 7:  We completed WPM assessments.  After DOL/Journal, students worked in pairs to complete the CLOSE Read/QAR packet.  This is due tomorrow.  *homework: spelling - read AR - complete CLOSE Read/QAR packet if not done

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


All English 8:  After DOL/Journal, we corrected the vocabulary packet and discussed unfamiliar words.  A few students needed to take the STAR Reading test, so time was made for that during DOL/Journal. WPM (words per minute) assessments were started - we will finish these tomorrow.  *homework: vocabulary - read AR
All English 7: After DOL/Journal, students were given some time to work on spelling.  A few students needed to take the STAR Reading test, so time was made for that during DOL/Journal. WPM (words per minute) assessments were started - we will finish these tomorrow. Students worked in pairs to CLOSE Read a passage and identify QAR questions.  This will be continued in pairs tomorrow.  *homework: spelling - read AR

Monday, March 9, 2015


All English 8:  After DOL/Journal, students entered the newest assessment information in their portfolio charts.  The vocabulary program will resume this week, and lesson 6 packet was handed out.  This is due tomorrow for correction and word discussion.  *Homework: vocab. packet & read AR
English 7A: After DOL/Journal, students were given spelling worksheet (lesson 8).  The spelling program will resume this week.  We discussed each word with pronunciation and meaning.  We will enter the newest assessment information in portfolio charts tomorrow.  *Homework: spelling worksheet & read AR
English 7B:  After DOL/Journal, students entered the newest assessment information in their portfolio charts.  The spelling program will resume this week, and lesson 8 worksheet was handed out.   *Homework: spelling worksheet & read AR

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Due to a death in the family, I will be gone Wed. through Fri. and there will be a substitute teacher in the classroom.  Students will work on DOL/Journal daily as well as A+ (available at home as well through Internet - link on my blog).

All English 8:  Students took the STAR Reading test today, and then worked within A+ Learning.  They have been assigned the Adaptive Vocabulary course -  4 lessons with notes due Friday.  *homework: A+ and read AR
All English 7:  Students took the STAR Reading test today, and then worked within A+ Learning.  They have been assigned Adaptive Language Arts - 3 lessons with notes due Friday.  *homework: A+ and read AR