Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Awards Assembly @ LHHS "new" gym - 8:30-11:30AM (students should arrive by 8:15AM)
*School Uniform Required

English 8:  Students received their class porfolios and journals to take home.  In-class awards were given.  Highest academic achiever for English (each semester) will be given during the awards assembly. 

Geography 7: In-class awards were given. Highest academic achiever for English (each semester) will be given during the awards assembly. 

English 7: Students received their class porfolios and journals to take home. In-class awards were given. Highest academic achiever for English (each semester) will be given during the awards assembly. 

Friday, May 24, 2013


TODAY is the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students watched Freedom Writers and finished A+. 

Geography 7th: Geography Post-Test & A+  

English 7th:Students finished working on A+. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students watched Freedom Writers.  We will continue it tomorrow. *homework: A+- NO AR for homework as my class is 100% complete - yahooo!!!!

Geography 7th: We played a review BINGO game in preparation for the geography post-test tomorrow (it was postponed until Friday). Students left class with a study sheet and notes for review. They should be studying this evening as homework! We were able to complete a few presentations. Hopefully, we'll get time to complete the rest tomorrow. *homework: Study for geography post-TEST - read AR if goal is not complete
English 7th:English Post-Test & A+ *homework: A+ - read AR if goal is not complete

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students completed their English Post-test and worked within A+ today.  100% of the students brought permission slips for the Freedom Writers movie tomorrow.  *homework: A+- read AR if goal is not complete

Geography 7th: Students completed their end-of-the-year STAR reading comprehension test within the Renaissance program.  When that was completed, they worked on A+ and/or their final project (which is due today).  We played a review BINGO game in preparation for the geography post-test tomorrow.  Students left class with a study sheet and notes for review.  They should be studying this evening as homework!   *homework:   Study for geography post-TEST   - read AR
English 7th:Students worked on A+ and completed their Monster Exchange projects.  We will take the Enlgish post-test tomorrow.  *homework: A+ - read AR

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Monster Exchange!  Students were given time to work on A+ after they completed their monsters.  :-) English Post-Test tomorrow.  *homework: A+- read AR if goal is not complete

Geography 7th: Students worked with A+ geography (they need 3 mastery tests completed by Friday - apples). They also worked on a Europe project - due tomorrow. *homework: Europe project & A+ - read AR
English 7th:Monster Exchange! Students were given time to work on A+ after they completed their monsters. :-)   English Post-Test tomorrow.  *homework: A+ - read AR

Monday, May 20, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students took the STAR reading comprehension test, as well as the WPM (words per minute) assessment.  For the remainder of the class, students worked in the A+ program.  They should have 3 mastery test (apples) completed by Friday (Language Usage).   *homework: A+- read AR if goal is not complete

Geography 7th: Students worked with A+ geography (they need 3 mastery tests completed by Friday - apples).  They also worked on a Europe project - due Wednesday.   *homework:   Europe project & A+   - read AR
English 7th:Students took the STAR reading comprehension test, as well as the WPM (words per minute) assessment. For the remainder of the class, students worked in the A+ program. They should have 3 mastery test (apples) completed by Friday (Language Usage).   *homework: A+ -  read AR

Friday, May 17, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: We are starting our third and final round of assessments.  Today we completed the MAZE comprehension assessment, a measure of literal comprehension.  Next week we will complete STAR, WPM, and the English Post-test.  Students worked on the final copy of their Monster Instructions.  If not completed in class, it is due Monday.  *homework: monster instructions final copy- read AR if goal is not complete

Geography 7th: Students worked on their Europe packets as well as finished their Islamic Pattern.  We watched a short video on the country of France and students turned in written facts.  We will continue packets next week, as well as have the Geography Post-Test.   *homework:   Scavenger hunt packet (due next Wed.)   - read AR
English 7th:We are starting our third and final round of assessments. Today we completed the MAZE comprehension assessment, a measure of literal comprehension. Next week we will complete STAR, WPM, and the English Post-test. Students used the remainder of the class to complete their final Monster Exchange Instructions. *homework:  read AR

Thursday, May 16, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students worked on peer editing Monster Exchange instructions.  The final draft will be due at the end of class tomorrow (Friday).  *homework: monster instructions final copy- read AR if goal is not complete

Geography 7th:  5-minute map quiz on Europe - Students worked on their scavenger hunt packet (due next Wed.) or their Islamic Pattern (due tomorrow) for the remainder of the class.   *homework:  Islamic pattern due tomorrow - Scavenger hunt packet (due next Wed.)  NO current event this week - read AR
English 7th: Students took The Giver Final test, and then worked on their final Monster instructions for the Monster Exchange (due at end of class tomorrow).  *homework: final monster instructions (due tomorrow) - read AR

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students wrote an alternate ending for Anne Frank in their journals this morning.  For the remainder of the class, students worked on their Monster Exchange pictures and instructions (rough drafts).  The rough drafts are due tomorrow for peer editing.  *homework: complete monster & instructions if not done in class - read AR if goal is not complete 

Geography 7th: Students worked on the remainder of their map activity for Europe and received a scavenger hunt packet. We'll continue to work on this throughout the week.  *homework: Map activity if not completed in class - NO current event this week - read AR
English 7th: Students worked on peer editing for their monster instructions. The final draft will be due Friday. The remainder of class was spent finishing The Giver (if not already done) - final test tomorrow.  *homework: read The Giver if not finished -  work on final monster instructions  (due Friday) - read AR

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: Students took the Anne Frank final test.  The students who have not yet completed their AR goal were able to take an AR quiz on the Anne Frank book after their final (several students completed their AR goals today - yahoo!!).  *homework: read AR (only 2 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: Students watched a short video on Europe and then worked on their map activity. They received a packet on Europe today that will be due next week.  We discussed a final project choice for the packet (will be due Wednesday 5/22/13).  We will be doing a 5-minute map quiz tomorrow on Europe.  *homework: Map activity if not completed in class - NO current event this week - read AR(only 2 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: The Giver quiz on Ch.11-18.  Students were given instructions and time to work on their Monster instructions rough draft - due tomorrow for peer editing.  *homework: read The Giver if not finished -  Monster Rough Draft - read AR (only 2 weeks left to completed!!)

Monday, May 13, 2013


May 24th will be the last day for AR!

English 8th: No vocabulary homework this week.  Students completed a short language arts activity.  We will do this each day this week.  After the activity, students worked in their groups to answer a series of review questions for Anne Frank.  The final will be tomorrow - study, review, read!  *homework:   Study for the Anne Frank Final (not open book) -   read AR (only 2 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: Students were given the class period to work on a map activity and their Islamic Pattern. It will be due completed Friday. *homework:   NO current event this week - read AR(only 2 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: No spelling homework this week.  Students started creating their monster for the Monster Exchange project.  It is due colored tomorrow.  They read The Giver in groups for the remainder of the class; there will be a quiz over ch.11-18 tomorrow (through pg. 145). *homework: Finish reading The Giver through pg.145 - review for quiz (study spelling/vocab. words) - Monster picture (colored) -read AR (only 2 weeks left to completed!!)

Friday, May 10, 2013

5/10/13 T.G.I.F.

English 8th: Students turned in all vocabulary work for the week and then took the test for section 4.  The remainder of the class was spent reading Anne Frank.  I would like all students to complete the book by Monday so we can do a review activity.  Final Anne Frank test Tuesday, 5/14/13.     *homework:   Finish Anne Frank   read AR (only 2 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: Students were given the class period to work on their Islamic Pattern.  It will be due completed next Friday.  *homework:   read AR(only 2 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: Students turned in their Vocabulary cubes and the Independent Summary/Predict sheet - they read The Giver for the remainder of the class period. *homework: read AR (only 2 weeks left to completed!!)

Thursday, May 9, 2013


English 8th: Students had a DOL quiz (Daily Oral Language).   For the remainder of the class they read within cooperative reading groups. *homework: Read Anne Frank pages decided by your group - Vocabulary (due Friday) - read AR (only 3 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: We started learning about Europe today, and completed a KTWLwithin groups.  We discussed the differences in the terms: England, Great Britain, Britain, and the U.K.  We watched a video on England as an introduction to the Unit.  We'll continue working on Islamic Pattern tomorrow.  *homework: current event due Friday - read AR(only 3 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: Students worked within their journal and their vocabulary cube. For the remainder of class they read The Giver within groups. An independent summary/predict was assigned and will be homework if not completed in classs.  *homework: Independent Summary/Predict if not completed in class - vocabulary cube due Friday - read AR (only 3 weeks left to completed!!)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


English 8th: Students presented their categories project. For the remainder of the class they read within cooperative reading groups. *homework: Read Anne Frank pages decided by your group - Vocabulary (due Friday) - read AR (only 3 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: Islamic Pattern - a culminating art project to celebrate the completion of our Middle East Unit.  *homework: current event due Friday - read AR(only 3 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: Students worked on DOL/Journal and their vocabulary cube. For the remainder of class they read The Giver within groups. *homework: vocabulary cube due Friday - read AR (only 3 weeks left to completed!!)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


English 8th: Students finished work on the categories project.  For the remainder of the class they read within cooperative reading groups.   *homework: Read Anne Frank pages decided by your group - Vocabulary (due Friday) - read AR (only 3 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: Ch.17 TEST - Students were given some time in the beginning of class to fix a previous quiz, and then do a bit of last-minute studying for the test.  After the test, students could work on their current events (many finished).    *homework:  current event due Friday - read AR(only 3 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: Students worked on DOL/Journal and their vocabulary cube.  For the remainder of class they read The Giver within groups. *homework: vocabulary cube due Friday - read AR (only 3 weeks left to completed!!)

Monday, May 6, 2013


English 8th: Students started working on Vocabulary List 4 (Anne Frank). They continuted work on the categories project and will be given a bit of time to complete it tomorrow within their groups.  *homework: Vocabulary (due Friday) - read AR (only 3 weeks left to complete!!)

Geography 7th: Ch.17 Study Guide & Student Teach - Students worked within groups to complete part of the guide, then taught their part to the rest of the class.  Each student left the classroom today with a completed study guide.  STUDY for TEST tomorrow!   *homework:  STUDY for TEST - current event due Friday - read AR(only 3 weeks left to complete!!)
English 7th: Students were given a vocabulary cube to complete by Friday instead of spelling words.  They read The Giver within groups.  *homework: vocabulary cube due Friday -   read AR (only 3 weeks left to completed!!)

Friday, May 3, 2013


Come see Telesis students perform The Wizard of Oz this weekend at Grace Arts Live Theater!

English 8th: Students finished presenting research reports.     *homework: read AR

Geography 7th: Quiz ch.17 Section 2 - current events were due at the end of class.   *homework:  read AR
English 7th:  All spelling work was due.  Students took a spelling test (The Giver Ch.11-18 words).   *homework:  read AR

Thursday, May 2, 2013


English 8th: Anne Frank Quiz Section 4 (pg.120-193).  Students worked the entire class period on this quiz.  We will continue presentations tomorrow, and categories Monday.      *homework:   read AR

Geography 7th: pg. 476 #2-6 - when finished students worked on their current events.  Quiz on ch.17 section 2 tomorrow.   *homework:  pg, 476 if not completed in class - Study for quiz- current event due Friday - read AR
English 7th: Students took a DOL quiz and wrote in their journal for the beginning of class.  Students continued reading The Giver within groups.   *homework: spelling - read AR

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


English 8th: Students worked on DOL/Journal for the beginning of class.  They then worked on project within groups.  Students created categories using Anne Frank terms, and then supported their categories with evidence from the text.  We will continute working on this tomorrow after the quiz (Anne Frank section 4).      *homework: Read Anne Frank through pg. 193 & read AR

Geography 7th: We corrected GR 17-2, and then students created a Sumerian cuneiform clay tablet.    *homework:  current event (due Friday) - read AR
English 7th:  Students worked on DOL/Journal for the beginning of class.  They took a quiz on The Giver for ch.6-10.  The rest of the class was spent working on spelling or AR.   *homework:  spelling - read AR