Thursday, January 31, 2013

2/1/13 (substitute - Mrs. Nash in training)

English 8th:Students will hand in their vocab. work, and then take their test.  For the remainder of the period, they can work on their essay (word choice changes & final draft)  *homework:  word choice changes and final draft (2/5/13)- read AR

Geography 7th:  Current events due.  Students will work in the A+ program for the duration of the class.   *homework:  read AR
English 7th:  Students will hand in their spelling work, and then take their test.  For the remainder of the period, they can read AR.    *homework:  read AR

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


English 8th:The pre-write for the personal narrative was due at the beginning of class.  Students worked on their rough drafts toward the end of class - they are due tomorrow for peer editing.     *homework: Vocab. (due Friday) & rough draft (due Thurs.)- read AR

Geography 7th: Skills Practice questions due and collected - 5-minute map quiz - Students watched short videos on maps/globes, latitude/longitude, and special grid lines.  Quiz tomorrow - students will create a globe labeling major areas correctly (were able to view the actual quiz today to prepare).  *homework:  study for quiz - current event  due Friday
English 7th: The pre-write for the expository essay (student interview) was due today.  Students worked on their rough drafts - they are due tomorrow for peer editing.    *homework: essay rough draft due Thurs. - spelling work due Friday - read AR

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


English 8th:We corrected the vocabulary packets, and then I demonstrated & discussed category options (today's vocabulary assignment).  Students were given a pre-write graphic organizer for their personal narrative essay - due tomorrow.   *homework: Vocab. (categories), essay pre-write - read AR

Geography 7th: Students were given copies of their username/password sheet for several the websites they will be using in the class (grade book, renaissance, A+, online text book, etc..) - they were given two copies - one for home, and one for backpack.  They were given a brief demonstration of their online textbook, and allowed to use either the online version or hard copy for their assignment.  Assignment: pg. 22-33 - all Skills Practice questions (14 total)- due tomorow.  *homework: Skills Practice questions due tomorrow - current event - due Friday
English 7th: Students worked on their pre-write for their expository essay (*source was an interview with another student).  We discussed the format of a 5-paragraph essay as well.  Student finished their pre-write in class, and should be working on their rough draft - due Thursday.  *homework:  essay rough draft due Thurs. - spelling work due Friday - read AR

Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13 - National School Choice Week!

English 8th:Students received their vocabulary packet (Lesson 2).  It will be due tomorrow for grading.  Each day students have a vocabulary assignment as homework - all due on Friday.  We had an assembly this morning, which took up a portion of class.  We will be starting a personal narrative essay tomorrow.   *homework: Vocabulary packet - read AR

Geography 7th: Students were given login information for their online geography textbook.  They were given some time to play around and use it in class today.  We also filled in a username/password sheet for classroom websites that will be used this sememster. Students will receive copies for their backpack and to take home tomorrow. Current event sheets were handed out - due Friday.  Today's assignment: Read pg.22-33 (geography handbook) and complete all Skills Practice questions - due Wednesday (14 questions total).  *homework:  Skills Practice questions due ed. - current event - due Friday
English 7th: Students received Lesson 2 spelling list - homophones. They are not difficult to spell, but deciding how each is used may require extra studying this week.  They will be given sentences, and students must know which is being used & spell it correctly on Friday.  We started a pre-write activity for a narrative essay using the interview notes from last week.  *homework:  Pre-write due Tuesday - spelling work due Friday - read AR

Friday, January 25, 2013


English 8th:Vocabulary work due - Vocab. TEST today.  Students were super, fantastic, awesome, fabulous for the sub yesterday, so they received some free-time!  Have an awesome weekend!   *homework:read AR

Geography 7th:   Read pg.22-25 in the textbook - packet on map skills/locations (due Monday)  Current event was due today.  *homework:  Map Skills/locations packet - due Monday if not completed in class 
English 7th: Spelling work due - Spelling TEST today.   *homework:  read AR

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thursday - 1/24/13 - substitute (Mrs. Nash to HLD)

English 8th:Students will work on DOL/Journal, and be given class time to complete their vocabulary homework and read AR.  There will be a vocabulary TEST on Friday.   *homework: Vocabulary packet (all vocabulary work due Friday) - read AR

Geography 7th:   Pg. 17 #1-7 & current event (due Friday). *homework: current event
English 7th: Students will work on DOL/Journal and spelling.  They will continue interviewing partners in preparation for a narrative essay.  *homework: spelling (all spelling work due Friday) - read AR


English 8th: Students worked on DOL/Journal and started their class journal (voted for the theme: Zombies!). We corrected the vocabulary packet and discussed unfamiliar words.  *homework: Vocabulary packet (all vocabulary work due Friday)- read AR

Geography 7th:   Students continued group work with Chapter 1, Section 1.  They completed and corrected the Guided Reading Activity 1 in class.  We discussed the work they will do tomorrow with the sub (pg. 17 #1-7).  *homework: current event - due Friday
English 7th: Students worked on DOL/Journal and started their class journal (voted for the theme: Paranormal/Ghost Story).  They started to interview a partner in preparation for a narrative essay.  The interview will be contiunued tomorrow.  *homework: spelling (all spelling work due Friday) - read AR

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


English 8th: Students were given their first vocabulary packet (due tomorrow for grading) and their vocabulary program.  The program was discussed in depth.  Students are to keep their program in their English folders for the duration of the semester (it details each day's vocabulary assignment).  If lost, it can be printed from my blog (documents folder).   *homework: Vocabulary packet (all vocabulary work due Friday)- read AR

Geography 7th:   We discussed each student's role when reading in groups, and started the first section of Ch.1.  Students read pg.12-17 within groups, worked on a chart (from page 12), and were given the Guided Reading Activity 1 to complete independently.   *homework: current event - due Friday - students may work on GR Activity 1, but will be given more time to complete it tomorrow in class
English 7th: Students were given their first spelling worksheet and their vocabulary program. The program was discussed in depth. Students are to keep their program in their English folders for the duration of the semester (it details each day's spelling assignment). If lost, it can be printed from my blog (documents folder).   *homework: spelling (all spelling work due Friday) - read AR

Friday, January 18, 2013

1/18/13 - NO SCHOOL MONDAY 1/21/13

English 8th:Students worked in DOL/Journal, and were given their new AR goal and ZPD for the semester.  *homework: read AR

Geography 7th:  Students completed a 5-minute map quiz on the world.  They worked within A+ in a world geography program - pretest today.   *homework: current event - due today - read AR
English 7th: Students worked in DOL/Journal, and were given their new AR goal and ZPD for the semester.*homework:read AR


English 8th:Students worked in their journals.  They completed a username/password sheet with login information for all the websites they will be using in class this semester, including FamilyLink.   *homework: read AR

Geography 7th:  We discussed "geo-literacy" and why it's important to learn geography in today's world.  Students were given a world map & list to label on the map.  This is due tomorrow.    *homework: Map Activity (if not done in class) current event - due Friday - read AR
English 7th: Students worked in their journals.  We completed the first round of MAZE (comprehension) and words-per-minute (WPM) assessments, and later read journal entries to the class.     *homework:  read AR

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


English 8th:We started the first of our assessment rounds (we will do this three times throughout the semester).  Students completed the MAZE comprehension assessment, and we started the WPM (words per minute).  I like to keep track of the students' progress through the semester.  Students worked in their journals, and then we discussed lock down procedures toward the end of class.   *homework: read AR

Geography 7th:  Students took their Geography pre-test today, and were given a current event that will be due Friday. Students may complete a current event from the newspaper, TV, radio, magazine, or the Internet (not a USA current event - somewhere else in the world)  *homework:  current event - due Friday - read AR
English 7th: Students completed their English pre-test, and then worked within their journals.   *homework: English contract signature - read AR

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


English 8th:Students worked on DOL/Journal, as well as took their English pre-test.  If the English contract from yesterday has not yet been signed, it is due tomorrow (will be considerd late after that)  *homework: English contract signature - read AR

Geography 7th: We went over the textbook scavenger hunt to better acquaint students with their books.  Students completed their first 5-minute map quiz to show their knowledge of the world geography.  We will do these 1-2 times per week, and students are rewarded for improvements.  Toward the end of class we discussed a lock-down scenario and practiced the classroom procedure.  *homework:  no geography homework - read AR
English 7th:Students worked on DOL/Journal.  They wrote an English contract that will need to be signed by both student and parent.Toward the end of class we discussed a lock-down scenario and practiced the classroom procedure.   *homework: English contract signature - read AR

Monday, January 14, 2013

1/14/12 - First Day 2nd Semester!

English 8th:Students started work within their journals and created an English contract.  This needs to be signed by parent and student.  Please note that this semester AR is worth 20% (two letter grades) in this class.  It is both homeroom and English - 10% for each.  Make sure your child has an AR book at all times.  *homework: English contract signature - read AR

Geography 7th: Students were introduced to geography class.  The were assigned a textbook, created a KWL, and completed a scavenger hunt (getting to know the text).  *homework:  scavenger hunt/KWL if not competed in class - read AR
English 7th: Students were introduced to English class and started work within their journals (free writing & DOL - Daily Oral Language).  This will be a daily activity.  *homework: read AR

Thursday, January 10, 2013


English 8th:Students worked on the Monster Exchange today, then watched the movie Freedom Writers for the remainder.  We will continue themovie tomorrow.  *homework: read AR for next semester

Geography 7th: Students took their geography final post-test today, and worked in A+ for the remainder of the class.  Textbooks were turned in.  *homework: read AR for next semester
English 7th: Students took the STAR reading test today, and worked on the Monster Exchange. *homework: read AR for next semester

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/9/13 (Semester 1 ends Friday 1/11/13)

English 8th:Students took their English final today and handed in the final copy of their Monster Exchange functional text.  Permission slips for the movie Freedom Writers is due tomorrow.  *homework: get permission slips signed

Geography 7th: Students took their end-of-the-semester STAR test, studied for their final, and worked in A+ program a bit.  Tomorrow is their geography final test.  *homework: study for Final
English 7th: Students took their English final today and handed in the final copy of their Monster Exchange functional text.   *homework: read AR for next semester

Monday, January 7, 2013

1/7/13 - Welcome Back!

*Last day for AR is tomorrow - 1/8/13 (2:30PM)
*Semester 1 ends January 11th - Semester 2 starts January 14th
*Finals for English and geography will be Wednesday (post-test)

English 8th: Students took the end-of-the-semester STAR reading test and WPM (words per minute) assessment.  Their Monster picture and instructions are due tomorrow for the Monster Exchange.  Students were given permission slips for the movie Freedom Writers - due by Thursday.  *homework: AR if you have not met your goal - Monster Exchange picture & instructions

Geography 7th: Students were given a short review scavenger hunt, as well as time to check their grades in the grade book and take an AR quiz.  We spent the rest of the class finishing Glogster presentations.  *homework: scavenger hunt review sheet
English 7th: Students took the end-of-the-semester STAR reading test and WPM (words per minute) assessment. Their Monster picture and instructions are due tomorrow for the Monster Exchange. Students were given permission slips for the movie Freedom Writers - due by Thursday. *homework: AR if you have not met your goal - Monster Exchange picture & instructions