Friday, January 30, 2015

Mrs. Nash's Classroom Needs:

**Kleenex!!  (many students with the crud this semester.... we are running out of Kleenex)
**Copy Paper

1/30/15 - See you in February!

English 8A:  All vocabulary work was due, as well as the objective summaries from yesterday's assignment.  Students took a vocabulary test and then attended the assembly in the gym for National School Choice Week.     *homework:  read AR
English 8B: All vocabulary work was due, as well as the objective summaries from yesterday's assignment.  Students will take the vocabulary test on Monday, as we did not have time today due to the assembly.    *homework:  read AR

All English 7: All spelling work was due, as well as the objective summaries from yesterday's assignment.  Students took a spelling test and then wrote in journals. *homework:  - read AR

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


All English 8A:  After DOL/Journal, we discussed the poem from pg. 349-350.  We further discussed objective summaries and what details to include to summarize poetry.  Assigned was a new objective summary, making sure to add key ideas and details.   *homework:  vocabulary definitions - poem objective summary - read AR

All English 7: After DOL/Journal, we discussed the poem from pg. 315.  Assigned was an objective summary, making sure to add key ideas and details.  *homework: spelling definitions - poem objective summary - read AR

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


English 8A:  After DOL/Journal, we corrected the vocabulary packets and discussed unfamiliar words.  Students were assigned pg. 348-350 - Close Reading a poem and writing a short objective summary (due tomorrow).  *homework:  vocabulary categories - poem objective summary - read AR
English 8B: After DOL/Journal, we corrected the vocabulary packets and discussed unfamiliar words. Students practiced using alliteration within their journal, a type of sound device.  *homework: vocabulary categories - read AR
All English 7: After DOL/Journal, students started Unit 3 (a poetry unit) by Close Reading a poem within groups and identifying key ideas and details.  *homework: spelling 5Xeach - read AR

Monday, January 26, 2015


All English 8:  Students were given the opportunity to check and complete the AR 360 assignment from last week.  As I as grading them over the weekend, I noticed some incomplete areas as well as misunderstandings.  Because this is a new program, we took a bit more time to work with it.  It is due to be graded at the end of school Tuesday.  Vocabulary Lesson 3 was given to students and is due for grading tomorrow.  *homework: vocabulary packet & read AR
All English 7:  Students were given the opportunity to check and complete the AR 360 assignment from last week.  As I as grading them over the weekend, I noticed some incomplete areas as well as misunderstandings.  Because this is a new program, we took a bit more time to work with it. Spelling Lesson 3 was given to students.  We discussed word meaning, parts of speech, and the worksheet.  *homework: spelling worksheet & read AR

Friday, January 23, 2015


All English 8:  All vocabulary work was due, along with the metaphor/simile packet.  Students took a vocabulary test.  When the test was completed, students were given the opportunity to work (finish) within the AR 360 program and write in journals.  *homework:  read AR
All English 7:  All spelling work was due.  Students took a spelling test.  When the test was completed, students were given the opportunity to work (finish) within the AR 360 program and write in journals.  *homework:  read AR

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1/22/15 - Substitute Teacher

All Classes:  Students are assigned a "Skills Practice" article within AR 360, where they must highlight and answer questions in written form.  After completing an article, students will work on journals and vocabulary/spelling (all due tomorrow).  If there is extra time in class, extra articles may be completed in AR 360 for extra credit.  *homework:  finish spelling/vocabulary work (all due tomorrow), simile/metaphor worksheet (8th grade), STUDY for spelling/vocabulary TEST


All English 8:  After DOL/Journal, students practiced identifying and writing both similes and metaphors (worksheet).  This is due Friday along with all vocabulary work.  Because it is a short week, students may choose to do definitions or sentences this week (not both).   *homework:  vocabulary categories - read AR

All English 7 After DOL/Journal, students practiced identifying and writing similes (worksheet).  This is due tomorrow - all spelling work is due Friday.  Because it is a short week, students may choose to do definitions or sentences this week (not both).     *homework:  spelling 5X each - read AR

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


English 8A:  After DOL/Journal, students were given their new vocabulary list & packet.  This is due tomorrow for correcting.  *homework:  vocabulary packet - read AR
English 8B:  After DOL/Journal, students were given their new vocabulary list & packet.  This is due tomorrow for correcting.  Students also took the Vocabulary TEST that was supposed to be taken last Friday, but the spelling bee ran long and students missed 3rd block.    *homework: vocabulary packet - read AR
English 7 (both classes):  After DOL/Journal, students were given their new spelling list & worksheet.  We discussed the words (homophones) and their meaning/usage.  *homework:  spelling worksheet - read AR

Thursday, January 15, 2015


All Classes:  After DOL/Journal, students were given their new AR ZPD and Goals.  A notice from their homeroom teacher should come home for signature soon.  We discussed the AR program, terminology, and how it is entered into the grade book.  Students were given some time to work on their spelling or vocabulary program in class (next week students will be expected to complete that work outside of class).  *homework:  all spelling (7th) and vocabulary (8th) work is due Friday - study for TEST

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


All Classes:  After DOL/Journal, we discussed the class journal project.  Students did brain storming on theme, and then the class voted.  The first students were randomly chosen to start the journal.  homework:  definitions (8th grade vocabulary - 7th grade spelling) - Read AR

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

1/13/15 New Semester!

English 8:  Students are starting a vocabulary program this semester.  They have the weekly program outlined in a handout in their English folder, and it is printable from my blog (blue documents file) as well.  Students will be responsible for 4 assignments a week, completing one assignment daily, and turning in all 4 assignments Friday before the Vocab. TEST.  The packet was due today for correcting, and we discussed unfamiliar words.    **homework:  vocabulary categories (this was thoroughly explained in class today)

English 7:  Students are starting a spelling program this semester.  They have the weekly program outlined in a handout in their English folder, and it is printable from my blog (blue documents file) as well.  Students will be responsible for 4 assignments a week, completing one assignment daily, and turning in all 4 assignments Friday before the Spelling TEST.  **homework: spelling 5x each

Thursday, January 8, 2015


All Classes:  After journals, we filled out the portfolio assessment charts with current achievements.  We discussed Galileo and STAR Reading test results.  Portfolio contents will be sent home tomorrow with a copy of the assessment chart.  homework:  read AR for next semester

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


All Classes:  Students took the mid-year summative test (final for the semester).  They were introduced to AR 360, and will be working within this program reading informational articles and taking quizzes after the final.  homework:  read AR for next semester

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


All Classes:  Students completed the STAR Reading test.  After the test, students worked on DOL/Journal.  A few classes had time to work on the new AR 360 program (informational text articles on the Renaissance program).  homework: read AR  - LAST DAY TO TEST AR IS TOMORROW

Monday, January 5, 2015


All Classes:  After DOL/Journal, students were given time to check grades online.  We read journals about Winter Break, and discussed schedules/plan for the last week of the semester.  Homework:  read AR - last day to quiz is Wednesday, January 7th