Monday, August 13, 2012


English 8th: 
Students received the school handbook and parent/signature page.  We reviewed and discussed certain sections within the handbook, especially those that have changed since last year.  Parents/guardians, please read through the handbook and sign the form stating you have done so.  Pay particular attention to the attendance policy, as that has changed.  *homework: handbook signature page - returned ASAP

Geography 7th: 
Students took the geography pre-test today, completed their "Where in the World" sheets from last week, and were given a current event form.  This will be given weekly to students on Monday and due Friday.  *homework: current event - due Friday


English 7th: 
Students were given their first writing assignment - the English Contract.  This contract must be signed and returned to Mrs. Nash this week.  Students also received their spelling program sheet (should stay in backpack all semester - if lost, can be printed from blog under 'documents').  They will have spelling homework daily, with a test on Friday.  All spelling homework will be due Friday as well.  *homework: spelling worksheet & signed English Contract - adjectives graphic organizer if not handed in today

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