Tuesday, September 22, 2015


English 8:  After DOL/Journal, students were assigned the first read of "Raymond's Run" (pg. 23-32) and pg. 32 Language and Word Study questions.  *Homework: read pg. 23-32 & pg. 32 lang./word study questions - read AR
Teen Leadership:  Students learned what it means to be self-aware.  Assigned was a personal homework assignment - to ask someone with whom they have "relational capacity" a question about improving the relationship.   *Homework:  relational capacity question -read AR
English 7:  After DOL/Journal, we discussed the academic vocabulary associated with the questions on pg. 17.  Students learned different text evidence format (quotes vs. paraphrasing).  They were given a reference sheet that will stay in their English folder for the semester. 
Students were assigned pg. 17 # 1&2.  *Homework:  pg. 17 # 1& 2 (text evidence) - read AR

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